1. Booking and payment
1.1 An Advance Payment of 50% of the order sum is due immediately to confirm your booking.
1.2 The Balance Payment should be paid to Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd no later than 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the charter service.
1.3 Payment can be accepted by cash, credit card (2% surcharge), debit card or bank transfer.
Our bank account details:

Account Name: Bridge Global Trade and Development LTD

Sort code: 40-07-06

Account Number: 21790471

1.4 By making a booking you will be confirming acceptance of these terms and conditions. You also warrant the accuracy of all information provided by yourself, both on the Booking Form and in other communications with us.

2. Booking Procedure
To make a booking you can contact us in several ways; directly over the telephone or via our website. The person making the booking must be 18 years old or over and possess the legal capacity and authority to make the booking and accepts these booking conditions on behalf of everyone in the party.

• 50% Deposit is due immediately to confirm your booking (full payment if booking made within 6 weeks of charter start date)
• Completed Booking Form, including Sailing Experience evidence – Skipper & 1 st Mate copies for any sailing certificates held.
• Complete Charter Agreement.
• On receipt of the completed Charter Agreement, Booking Form and Sailing Experience documents and deposit we will send you confirmation of your charter in writing.
• No agreement shall exist between Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd and the Charterer until acceptance of this charter booking by Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd.

Before departure, we require:
• Final balance for which we will send you a final invoice. (6 weeks before charter)
• Crew details of all onboard (ID copies of passport OR driving licence of skipper & 1st Mate required)
• Security Deposit payment (2 days before charter).

3. Security Deposit
3.1 In case of Skippered Charter or Day Sailing with our skipper, the Security deposit is £0.
3.2 In case of Bareboat charter, the charterer shall pay the Refundable Security Deposit by bank transfer or credit card no less than 2 days before the start of the Charter Period to Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd.

Security Deposit - Racing and Non-Racing Charters - £3000 (non-racing), £3,500 (racing) or £4,000 (charters with a history of prior damages) per incident. If during your bareboat charter you are involved in one or more separate incidents, you will be required to pay a second security deposit before your charter can continue. Subsequent incidents will be subject to a charge being made against the second security deposit.

You will not be able to apply or deduct any portion of the security deposit from the deposit and/or final balance payable for your arrangements. On return of the yacht to the Company and following inspection of the yacht by the Company in accordance with the provisions set out in the section headed ‘Acceptance and Return of Yacht by You’, in the event that the Company is satisfied that there is no apparent damage to the yacht on its return from you, the Company shall, where applicable, refund the relevant security deposit or excess paid by you to you as soon as reasonably possible.

In the event that it is agreed between the Company and you that damage was caused to the yacht and/or its contents during the period of your arrangements, you will be liable to the Company for all losses and damages incurred by the Company as a result and the Company reserves the right to retain, where applicable, part or all of the relevant security deposit paid by you. The Company may use all or part of the security deposit paid by you to repair any damage caused to the yacht or its contents during the period of your arrangements, including without limitation the costs involved in lifting the yacht for a full inspection to assess the damage to the yacht. The security deposit will not in any way limit or prejudice any claim which the Company may have over and above the sum of the security deposit paid by you and you will remain liable to the Company for the balance of any such losses or damages incurred by the Company over and above the sum of the security deposit paid by you. In the event that the losses or damages suffered by the Company as a result of any breach by you of these booking conditions and any damage caused to the yacht or its contents during the period of your arrangements is less than the relevant security deposit paid by you, the Company shall refund the relevant security deposit paid by you to you as soon as reasonably possible after the claim has been settled.

3.3 You will be liable to the Company for all damages and losses suffered by the Company as a result of the Company’s insurer refusing cover due to your negligence, deliberate default or wilful misconduct.
3.4 In the event of any disagreement over damage or loss, the Company shall retain the relevant security deposit paid by you until the matter is resolved in accordance with the provisions set out in the section headed ‘Acceptance and Return of Yacht by You’. The company has the right to use whichever (or whoever) third party they see fit to make the repairs to any damage caused. The charter may not commission their own third party or attempt repairs themselves to the vessel.
3.5 This deposit must be available as cleared funds by the charter start date, as security against the Yacht not being returned in good condition and towards any loss or damage to the Yacht occurring during the Charter Period which is the responsibility of the Charterer, and against any loss or damage suffered by Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd due to any breach of these Terms & Conditions by the Charterer but without prejudice to any claim over and above the Security Deposit which Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd may have.
3.6 The Security Deposit or any balance remaining shall be returned to the Charterer within 5 days of the return of the Yacht to Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd or in any case of dispute, upon the determination of the dispute. The amount of the deposit may vary depending on the specific service (skippered charter, bareboat charter, racing etc).
3.7 There is a special refundable Security Deposit for spinnaker sail rent - £1500 per event.

4. Behaviour
4.1 You must accept responsibility for the proper conduct of yourself and any members of your party. The Company cannot be held responsible for underage consumption of alcohol. We reserve the right in our absolute sole discretion to terminate without further notice, and without liability on our part, the arrangements of any client: - who refuses to comply with the reasonable instructions or orders of the Company staff (including without limitation where applicable to your arrangements, the Company skipper and the Company 1st mate), agents or other responsible person in authority; - who commits any illegal act during the charter period; or in the reasonable opinion of the Company staff (including without limitation where applicable to your arrangements, the Company skipper and the Company 1st mate), agent or other responsible person in authority, whose behaviour is disruptive, threatening or abusive or is likely to cause distress, damage, danger or annoyance to other customers, staff, any third party or to property. Upon such termination our responsibility for your booking ceases and, in any circumstances, we shall not be liable for any extra costs incurred by you and no refunds or compensation will be paid to you. We may make a claim against you for any costs and expenses incurred as a result of your behaviour and criminal proceedings may be instigated.

5. Acceptance and Return of Yacht by You
5.1 On arrival at the Company’s base on the commencement date of your arrangements and prior to the Company handing the yacht over to you, you shall be given the opportunity to inspect the yacht, its equipment, check and sign the inventory for a maximum of up to two hours after the time of the commencement shown on the Confirmation Invoice. After such period, if the Company has not received any comments from you with regards to the condition of the yacht and its contents to the contrary, it will be deemed that you are satisfied with its condition and inventory. The Company may accompany you on the yacht during such inspection period. You must ensure the yacht is kept clean and in good working order and repair during the period of your arrangements.
5.2 The Skipper and/or 1st Mate will receive a full yacht briefing prior to departure and request a passage plan for your intended charter along with a Next of Kin form, which must be completed and returned to the Company before departure. Upon completion of the yacht brief, if the Company has not received any comments from you with regards to operation of the yacht to the contrary, it will be deemed that you are satisfied with its being able to operate the yacht safely and correctly.
5.3 You must return the yacht to the home port on the date and by the time specified on the Confirmation Invoice (or on any Amendment Invoice issued). You agree not to take the yacht out in bad weather even if this may lead to the yacht not being returned on the date and by the time specified on the Confirmation Invoice (or on any Amendment Invoice issued). If it becomes apparent that you are unable to return the yacht by the specified time and date, then you must promptly advise the Company accordingly, but such notification shall not affect your liability for failing to return the yacht on the return date. In such circumstances for each day or part of day that the yacht is overdue, you shall pay the Company one and a half times the daily charter fee for the yacht. We may waive part or all of such additional charter fee if we accept in our absolute sole discretion that there is good reason for the yacht not being returned on the time and date set out in the Confirmation Invoice (or on any Amendment Invoice issued). On return of the yacht to the Company, you must return the yacht to an authorised member of the Company’s staff clean and in the same condition as it was delivered to you on the commencement date of your arrangements, free from debt and clear from personal effects. On return of the yacht by you, the Company shall inspect the yacht, its equipment and inventory for apparent defects. Any damage, incident or defect must be reported by you to an authorised member of the Company’s staff promptly and must be detailed on the yacht’s inventory. The authorised member of the Company’s staff carrying out the inspection will note any apparent defects it notices (if any) on the yacht’s inventory. The Company reserves the right to charge £20 per hour for cleaning the yacht if it is not returned by you in a condition satisfactory to the Company. Following inspection of the yacht by the authorised member of the Company’s staff, the authorised member of the Company’s staff shall sign the yacht’s inventory. If agreed, you will countersign the yacht’s inventory. By signing the yacht’s inventory following inspection, the Company does not accept, and you acknowledge that the Company does not accept, that the yacht is free from defects that may not be immediately apparent. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company reserves the right to pursue you for further losses and damages suffered by the Company as a result of damage caused to the yacht or its contents during the period of your arrangements that may not have been immediately apparent during the Company’s inspection on return of the yacht.

6. Termination and Repossession
Should it come to our attention that you are likely to commit a serious breach of any of these booking conditions we may terminate your contract immediately and take whatever steps are necessary to take possession of the yacht wherever it may be. Such termination and the taking of the possession of the yacht shall be without prejudice to any rights and remedies, which may have accrued to us prior to the date of or by reason of such breach. We shall, in these circumstances have no liability for the unexpired part of your arrangements.

7. Cancellation or Amendment
7.1 In the event of the Charterer cancelling the booking more than 4 weeks prior to the charter start date, Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd will be entitled to keep the Deposit and refund any balance to the Charterer.
7.2 In the event of the Charterer cancelling the booking within 4 weeks prior to the charter start date the charter fees are not refundable. If Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd can re-charter the Yacht for all or part of the charter period, a proportion of the charter fee may be refunded at the discretion of Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd.
7.3 Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd may cancel the booking at any time upon repayment to the Charterer of all sums already paid.
7.4 Cancellation must be received in writing.
7.5 If you wish to make any amendments to your charter, we will make every effort to accommodate these, depending on boat availability. Requests for amendments must be made in writing.

8. The yacht
8.1 We will supply a Yacht in good and seaworthy condition in compliance with the MCA’s Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Motor or Sailing Vessels equipped to the requirements of the Marine Leisure Association (MLA).
8.2 We will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver a Yacht for the Charter in the aforesaid condition at the agreed time and place but in default, whether as a result of a breach of 8.1 or otherwise, our liability shall be limited to a return of all sums paid together with reasonable compensation for travel and accommodation costs but we shall have no further liability to you in respect of the curtailment or cancellation of the Charter including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing liability in respect of consequential or economic loss or loss of use or enjoyment.
8.3 We are not liable under clause 8.2 if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (eg fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane, other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalization, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labour dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service. If we assert this clause as an excuse for failure to perform our obligation, we must prove that we took reasonable steps to minimize delay or damages caused by foreseeable events, that we substantially fulfilled all non-excused obligations, and you were timely notified of the likelihood or actual occurrence of an event described above. Where delivery is delayed otherwise than by reason given in this clause, our maximum liability in addition to the return of all sums paid shall be limited to an amount equal to 50% of the Charter Fee.
8.4 The precise specification of the Yacht may vary from the prescription given.
8.5 The Skipper may limit the personal gear brought on board. Personal gear is taken on board your own risk.

9. Required Yacht Charter Qualifications
9.1 In case of Skippered Charter we shall provide an experienced Skipper suitably qualified by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA). The Skipper shall have absolute authority in matters of navigation, seamanship and safety and shall be entitled to require you to comply with all reasonable orders where you might otherwise endanger the Yacht or any person on board, or vitiate the Yacht’s insurance, or prevent or be likely to prevent timely redelivery at the end of the Charter or otherwise be prejudicial to our interests. The Skipper is to be responsible for the safe navigation of the Yacht and for all decisions on the operation of the Yacht and is to be the sole judge of whether it is reasonable or prudent to sail at any given time, having regard for the state of the weather and the surrounding circumstances and whether any specified anchorage, ports or places are reasonably safe.
9.2 To take a bareboat charter in the Solent, 2 members of the crew (the skipper and first mate) need to have at least a RYA Day Skipper Practical qualification or have skippering/sailing experience on a yacht close to the size you are chartering.
For longer charters looking to go further afield than the Solent, we do ask that the skipper’s experience is at least that of Coastal Skipper standard.
Simply put, to take one of our yachts on a Bareboat basis we look for the skipper, as a minimum, to hold a Day Skipper (Practical) certificate. Plus, one other person needs to have suitable experience to take charge of the yacht in an emergency.
Having said that we also look at your previous sailing experience, the type of yacht you are intending to charter and your planned sailing itinerary.
Should you aspire to cross the channel then we ask for a minimum of Coastal Skipper plus a First Mate with a minimum of Day Skipper. But the same rules apply, and we will always look at your sailing experience before agreeing to the charter.

10. Insurance and Liabilities
10.1 We warrant that the Yacht and her equipment shall be insured on the terms of the Institute Yacht Clauses or on comparable terms for her full value with third party damage cover of no less than £3,000,000.
10.2 Neither the Skipper nor we shall have any liability for death or personal injury suffered by you unless caused by our or the Skipper’s negligence or wilful default.
10.3 You shall do nothing that may vitiate the Yacht's insurance or prejudice our right to claim thereunder. You shall give immediate notice to us of any event likely to give rise to a claim under the Insurance.
10.4 In the event of major damage to the Yacht during the Charter involving a claim on the Yacht’s insurance or in the event of a breakdown of gear or machinery rendering the Yacht unseaworthy or unusable, then where possible an alternative suitable Yacht will be provided. In the unlikely event that this is not possible then the Charter will be extended or rescheduled by the period of such enforced unfitness, provided that you did not cause or contribute to the damage or breakdown and provided also that we shall not be liable to you for any other compensation in respect of damage or breakdown whether in respect of consequential or financial loss or otherwise, save where damage or breakdown is caused by our negligence and results in death or personal injury. This clause shall not apply to the breakdown of any power source contained in the Yacht.
10.5 Although the yacht is fully insured (details on request), we strongly recommend that you have personal insurance providing cover against personal accident, medical and emergency expenses, loss of baggage, personal effects and money, cancellation, and travel disruption.

11. Participant’s Obligations
11.1 You warrant that you have the experience and competence described on the Booking Form. Further, you warrant your medical fitness for the passages and other activities envisaged hereunder.
11.2 You shall inform the Skipper of any health problems that may affect your well-being during the Charter (for example, diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, pregnancy, etc.). You shall also notify and instruct the Skipper about all obligatory drugs and medical equipment if you use some.
11.3 You shall give the Skipper such assistance as shall reasonably be required in handling the Yacht and shall comply promptly with the Skipper’s instructions.
11.4 You shall take all reasonable care of the Yacht and its equipment. You will be liable for any loss of or damage beyond fair wear and tear caused by himself to any of the linen, bedding, crockery, cutlery, upholstery, furniture and all other stores, gear equipment and furnishing belonging to the Yacht.
11.5 You shall observe all applicable rules, regulations, and laws whether of customs, harbour, or other authorities or otherwise.

12. Photography
12.1 An essential part of the success of our marketing literature is using photography that gives clients a true idea of the product, rather than using models. Photographers are occasionally in our cruising areas. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that any likeness or image of you secured or taken on any of our arrangements may be used by the Company without charge in all media (whether now existing or in the future invented) for bona fide promotional or marketing purposes, including without limitation promotional materials of any kind such as brochures, slides, video shows and the internet. If you have any strong objections to close up photography of yourself and your party, please indicate your feelings to the photographer at the time.

13. General
13.1 In the case of chartering a Yacht for sailing races, additional special term and conditions may apply, according to the requirements of the organizers of the sailing race.
13.2 This Agreement is subject to English law. In the event of a dispute arising under this Agreement, the parties agree to use reasonable endeavours to resolve such a dispute by negotiation and, if such negotiation fails, to consider referring the dispute to alternative dispute resolution under the dispute resolution procedures adopted from time to time by the British Marine Federation. Save as aforesaid, any dispute shall be submitted to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
13.3 If any provision of this Agreement is held by any court or other competent authority to be void or unenforceable in whole or part, this Agreement shall continue to be valid as to the other provisions thereof and the remainder of the affected provision.
13.4 If You Have a Complaint. If you have a problem during your charter/event, you must inform our local representative, member of Company staff or the relevant supplier of the service immediately. If your complaint is not resolved locally, please follow this up within 14 days of your return home by writing to us at:
Customer Relations Department, Bridge Global Trade and Development Ltd, Haslar Marina, Haslar Road, PO12 1NU, giving your booking reference and all relevant information.